
Configuring Local Flow Mirroring

LS-S2326TP-EI-AC   does not support flow mirroring.

Create a VLAN on the Switch and add interfaces to the VLAN in trunk mode.

# Add Ethernet 0/0/1, Ethernet 0/0/3, and Ethernet 0/0/5 to the same VLAN in trunk mode.

The following takes the configuration of Ethernet 0/0/1 as an example. The configurations

of Ethernet 0/0/3 and Ethernet 0/0/5 are the same as the configuration of Ethernet 0/0/1 and

are not mentioned here.

<Switch> system-view

[Switch] vlan 10

[Switch-vlan10] quit

[Switch] interface ethernet 0/0/1

[Switch-Ethernet0/0/1] port link-type trunk

[Switch-Ethernet0/0/1] port trunk allow-pass vlan 10

[Switch-Ethernet0/0/1] quit

2. Configure an observing port.

# Set Ethernet 0/0/24 as the observing port.

[Switch] observe-port 1 interface ethernet 0/0/24

3. # Create a traffic classifier.

# Create traffic classifier c1 and set the traffic classification rule that only the packets with

the 802.1p priority as 6 can be matched.

[Switch] traffic classifier c1

[Switch-classifier-c1] if-match 8021p 6

[Switch-classifier-c1] quit

4. # Create a traffic behavior.

# Create traffic behavior b1 and configure flow mirroring in the traffic behavior.

[Switch] traffic behavior b1

[Switch-behavior-b1] mirroring to observe-port 1

[Switch-behavior-b1] quit

5. Create a traffic policy.

# Create a traffic policy and bind traffic classifier c1 to traffic behavior b1.

[Switch] traffic policy p1

[Switch-trafficpolicy-p1] classifier c1 behavior b1

[Switch-trafficpolicy-p1] quit

6. Apply the traffic policy and enable the interface to trust the 802.1p priority of packets.

# Apply traffic policy p1 to Ethernet 0/0/1 and Ethernet 0/0/5, and enable Ethernet 0/0/1

and Ethernet 0/0/5 to trust the 802.1p priority of packets.

[Switch] interface ethernet 0/0/1

[Switch-Ethernet0/0/1] traffic-policy p1 inbound

[Switch-Ethernet0/0/1] trust 8021p

[Switch-Ethernet0/0/1] quit

[Switch]interface ethernet 0/0/5

[Switch-Ethernet0/0/5] traffic-policy p1 inbound

[Switch-Ethernet0/0/5] trust 8021p

[Switch-Ethernet0/0/5] quit

7. Verify the configuration.

# Run the display port-mirroring command. You can check the observing port.

[Switch] display port-mirroring



Behavior Direction Observe-port


b1 - Ethernet0/0/24


# Run the display traffic policy interface command. You can check the traffic policy

applied to Ethernet 0/0/1 and Ethernet 0/0/5.

[Switch] display traffic policy interface

Interface: Ethernet0/0/1

Direction: Inbound

Policy: p1

Classifier: c1

Operator: AND

Rule(s) :

if-match 8021p 6

Behavior: b1

Mirroring to observe-port 1

Interface: Ethernet0/0/5

Direction: Inbound

Policy: p1

Classifier: c1

Operator: AND

Rule(s) :

if-match 8021p 6

Behavior: b1

Mirroring to LS-S2326TP-SI-AC  observe-port 1

