
Configuring the NTP Multicast Mode

MA5680T/MA5603T_S uses the local clock as the master NTP clock on stratum 2 and works in the NTP multicast mode, multicasting clock synchronization packets periodically through IP address of the Layer 3 interface of VLAN 2, and MA5600T/MA5603T_C functions as the NTP client, listening to the multicast packets sent from the server through IP address of the Layer 3 interface of VLAN 2 and synchronizing with the clock on the multicast server. To perform these configurations, do as follows:
On MA5600T/MA5603T_S:
huawei(config)#ntp-service refclock-master 2
huawei(config)#vlan 2 standard
huawei(config)#port vlan 2 0/19 0
huawei(config)#interface vlanif 2
huawei(config-if-vlanif2)#ip address 24
huawei(config-if-vlanif2)#ntp-service multicast-server
On MA5600T/MA5603T_C:
huawei(config)#vlan 2 standard
huawei(config)#port vlan 2 0/19 0
huawei(config)#interface vlanif 2
huawei(config-if-vlanif2)#ip address 24
huawei(config-if-vlanif2)#ntp-service multicast-client

huawei(config MA5683T  -if-vlanif2)#quit


Configuring MA5600

Configure the IP address of the inband NMS interface.
Create the LS-S2318TP-EI-AC  NMS VLAN.
huawei(config)#vlan 10 standard
Add the upstream port.
huawei(config)#port vlan 10 0/7 0-2
Enter the NMS VLAN interface mode.
huawei(config)#interface vlanif 10
Configure the IP address of the NMS VLAN interface.
huawei(config-if-vlanif10)#ip address
Add the route.
Configure the route destined to the NMS (trap destination host).
huawei(config)#ip route-static
preference 1
huawei(config)#ip route-static
preference 1
Configure the route destined to the time server.
huawei(config)#ip route-static
preference 1
Configure the route destined to the log host.
huawei(config)#ip route-static
preference 1
huawei(config)#ip route-static
preference 1
Add the ACL rule to implement the traffic classification.
huawei(config)#acl 3050
huawei(config-acl-adv-3050)#rule permit ip source any destination any
huawei(config-acl-adv-3050)#rule deny ip source any destination
huawei(config-acl-adv-3050)#rule permit ip source
huawei(config-acl-adv-3050)#rule permit ip source
huawei(config-acl-adv-3050)#rule permit ip source
huawei(config-acl-adv-3050)#rule permit ip source
huawei(config-acl-adv-3050)#rule permit ip source
huawei(config-acl-adv-3050)#rule permit ip source
huawei(config)#packet-filter inbound ip-group 3050 port 0/7/1
huawei(config)#packet-filter inbound ip-group 3050 port 0/7/2
Configure the SNMP parameters.
Configure the community name and the access rights.
huawei(config)#snmp-agent community read public
huawei(config)#snmp-agent community write private
Configure the administrator ID and contact information.
huawei(config)#snmp-agent sys-info contact HW-075528780808
Configure the device location information.
huawei(config)#snmp-agent sys-info location Shenzhen China
Configure the SNMP version.
huawei(config)#snmp-agent sys-info version v2c
Here, the SNMP version must be the same as the SNMP version of the NMS. In this example, the NMS SNMP version is set to SNMP V2C.
Enable the trap sending.
huawei(config)#snmp-agent trap enable standard
Set the trap destination address.
huawei(config)#snmp-agent target-host trap-paramsname p1 v2c securityname public
huawei(config)#snmp-agent target-host trap-hostname aaa address trap-paramsname p1
huawei(config)#snmp-agent target-host trap-paramsname p2 v2c securityname public
huawei(config)#snmp-agent target-host trap-hostname bbb address trap-paramsname p2
Set the trap source address.

huawei(config S2326TP-EI )#snmp-agent trap source vlanif 10

Commission the outband network management on the device

Configure the IP address of the maintenance Ethernet port. The IP address of the local maintenance Ethernet port (outband network management port) of the MA5600T/MA5603T/MA5608T is
By default, the IP address of the maintenance Ethernet port (ETH port on the control board) is, and the subnet mask is
huawei(config)#interface meth 0
huawei(config-if-meth0)#ip address
Add a route for the outband network management. Use the static route. The destination IP address is (the network segment to which the U2000 belongs), and the gateway IP address is (the IP address of the gateway of the MA5600T/MA5603T/MA5608T).
huawei(config)#ip route-static 24
Set the SNMP parameters.
Configure the SNMP user, group, and view.
The user name is user1, the group name is group1, the user authentication mode is SHA, the authentication password is authkey123, the user encryption mode is des56, the encryption password is prikey123, the read and write view names are hardy, and the view includes the internet subtree.

huawei(config)#snmp-agent usm-user v3 user1 group1
authentication-mode sha authkey123 privacy-mode des56 prikey123
huawei(config)#snmp-agent group v3 group1 privacy read-view hardy
write-view hardy
huawei(config)#snmp-agent mib-view hardy include internet
(Optional) Set the ID and contact means of the administrator.
The contact means of the administrator is HW-075528780808.

huawei(config)#snmp-agent sys-info contact HW-075528780808
(Optional) Set the location of the device.
The location of the device is Shenzhen_China.

huawei(config)#snmp-agent sys-info location Shenzhen_China

(Optional) Configure the engine ID of the SNMP entity.
The engine ID of the SNMP entity is set to 0123456789.
The context engine ID of the SNMP must be the same as that on the U2000.
huawei(config)#snmp-agent local-engineid 0123456789
Set the SNMP version.
The SNMP version is SNMP V3.

The SNMP version must be the same as the SNMP version set on the U2000.
huawei(config)#snmp-agent sys-info version v3
Enable the function of sending traps. On the MA5600T/MA5603T/MA5608T, enable the function of sending traps to the U2000.
huawei(config)#snmp-agent trap enable standard
Configure the IP address of the destination host for the traps. The host name is huawei, the IP address of the host is (IP address of the U2000), the trap parameter name is ABC, the SNMP version is V3, the parameter security name is user1 (when the SNMP V3 is used, the parameter security name is the USM user name), and the traps are authenticated and encrypted.
huawei(config)#snmp-agent target-host trap-hostname huawei
address trap-paramsname ABC
huawei(config)#snmp-agent target-host trap-paramsname
ABC v3 securityname user1 privacy
Set the IP address of the maintenance Ethernet port as the source IP address for sending traps. Set the SNMP packets to be forwarded from the maintenance Ethernet port of the MA5600T/MA5603T/HG8240 GPON . That is, the source address of the traps is meth 0.
huawei(config)#snmp-agent trap source meth 0
Save the data.



Configuring Link Aggregation in Manual Load on Huawei S5300

Balancing Mode
Create an Eth-Trunk on SwitchA and add member interfaces to the Eth-Trunk. The configuration
of SwitchB is similar to the configuration of LS-S5328C-PWR-SI, and the configuration details are not
mentioned here.
<HUAWEI> system-view
[HUAWEI] sysname SwitchA
[SwitchA] interface Eth-Trunk1
[SwitchA-Eth-Trunk1] trunkport gigabitethernet 0/0/1 to 0/0/3
[SwitchA-Eth-Trunk1] quit
Step 2 Create VLANs and add interfaces to the VLANs. The configuration of SwitchB is similar to the
configuration of SwitchA, and the configuration details are not mentioned here.
# Create VLAN 10 and VLAN 20, and add interfaces to VLAN 10 and VLAN 20.
[SwitchA] vlan batch 10 20
[SwitchA] interface gigabitethernet 0/0/4
[SwitchA-GigabitEthernet0/0/4] port link-type trunk
[SwitchA-GigabitEthernet0/0/4] port trunk allow-pass vlan 10
[SwitchA-GigabitEthernet0/0/4] quit
[SwitchA] interface gigabitethernet 0/0/5
[SwitchA-GigabitEthernet0/0/5] port link-type trunk
[SwitchA-GigabitEthernet0/0/5] port trunk allow-pass vlan 20
[SwitchA-GigabitEthernet0/0/5] quit
# Configure Eth-Trunk 1 to allow packets from VLAN 10 and VLAN 20 to pass through.
[SwitchA] interface Eth-Trunk1
[SwitchA-Eth-Trunk1] port link-type trunk
[SwitchA-Eth-Trunk1] port trunk allow-pass vlan 10 20
Step 3 Set the load balancing mode of Eth-Trunk 1. The configuration of SwitchB is similar to the
configuration of SwitchA, and the configuration details are not mentioned here.
[SwitchA-Eth-Trunk1] load-balance src-dst-mac
[SwitchA LS-S5352C-SI -Eth-Trunk1] quit
Step 4 Verify the configuration.
Run the display eth-trunk 1 command in any view to check whether the Eth-Trunk is created
and whether member interfaces are added.
[SwitchA] display eth-trunk 1
Eth-Trunk1's state information is:
WorkingMode: NORMAL Hash arithmetic: According to SA-XOR-DA
Least Active-linknumber: 1 Max Bandwidth-affected-linknumber: 8
Operate status: up Number Of Up Port In Trunk: 3
PortName Status Weight
GigabitEthernet0/0/1 Up 1
GigabitEthernet0/0/2 Up 1
GigabitEthernet0/0/3 Up 1
The preceding command output shows that Eth-Trunk 1 has three member interfaces:
GigabitEthernet0/0/1, GigabitEthernet0/0/2, and GigabitEthernet0/0/3. The member interfaces

are both in Up state.


Configuring Routed Proxy ARP on Huawei S2300

The LS-S2309TP-EI-AC  is mainly deployed on the IP MAN and intranets, meeting requirements of carrying various Ethernet services and accessing the Ethernet. Based on the new generation high-performance hardware and Huawei Versatile Routing Platform (VRP), the S2300 supports rich and flexible service features and thus improves the operability, manageability, and service expansibility. In addition, the S2300 supports powerful lightning protection, security features, ACLs, QinQ, 1:1 VLAN switching, and N:1 VLAN switching to flexibly deploy VLANs.

Create VLAN 2 and add GE 0/0/1 to VLAN 2.
<Quidway> system-view
[Quidway] vlan 2
[Quidway-vlan2] quit
[Quidway] interface gigabitethernet 0/0/1
[Quidway-GigabitEthernet0/0/1] port link-type access
[Quidway-GigabitEthernet0/0/1] port default vlan 2
[Quidway-GigabitEthernet0/0/1] quit
Step 2 Create and configure VLANIF 2.
[Quidway] interface vlanif 2
[Quidway-Vlanif2] ip address
Step 3 Enable routed proxy ARP on VLANIF 2.
[Quidway-Vlanif2] arp-proxy enable
[Quidway-Vlanif2] quit
Step 4 Create VLAN 3 and add GE 0/0/2 to VLAN 3.
[Quidway] vlan 3
[Quidway-vlan3] quit
[Quidway] interface gigabitethernet 0/0/2
[Quidway-GigabitEthernet0/0/2] port link-type access
[Quidway-GigabitEthernet0/0/2] port default vlan 3
[Quidway-GigabitEthernet0/0/2] quit
S2300 Series Ethernet Switches
Typical Configuration Examples 2 Configuration Guide - IP Service
Issue 02 (2012-10-27) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential
Step 5 Create and configure VLANIF 3.
[Quidway] interface vlanif 3
[Quidway-Vlanif3] ip address
Step 6 Enable routed proxy ARP on VLANIF 3.
[Quidway-Vlanif3] arp-proxy enable
[Quidway LS-S2309TP-EI-DC -Vlanif3] quit
Step 7 Configure the hosts.
# Assign IP address to Host A.
# Assign IP address to Host B.
Step 8 Verify the configuration.

# Ping Host B from Host A. The ping operation is successful.

Configuration Roadmap Huawei S2300

Create VLANs and configure the interface on the Switch LS-S2326TP-EI-AC.
# Create VLAN 2 and VLAN 6.
<Quidway> system-view
[Quidway] vlan batch 2 6
# Configure the link type and default VLAN of the interface.
[Quidway] interface ethernet 0/0/1
[Quidway-Ethernet0/0/1] port hybrid pvid vlan 6
[Quidway-Ethernet0/0/1] port hybrid untagged vlan 6
[Quidway-Ethernet0/0/1] quit
Step 2 Configure the voice VLAN on the Switch.
# Configure the voice VLAN on the interface.
[Quidway] interface ethernet 0/0/1
[Quidway-Ethernet0/0/1] voice-vlan 2 enable
# Set the voice VLAN mode to auto so that the interface can be automatically added to or deleted
from the voice VLAN.
[Quidway-Ethernet0/0/1] voice-vlan mode auto
[Quidway-Ethernet0/0/1] quit
# Set the OUI of the voice VLAN.
[Quidway] voice-vlan mac-address 0011-2200-0000 mask ffff-ff00-0000
# Set the aging time of the voice VLAN.
[Quidway] voice-vlan aging-time 100
# Set the working mode of the voice VLAN.
[Quidway-Ethernet0/0/1] voice-vlan security enable
Step 3 Verify the configuration.
Run the display voice-vlan oui command to check the OUI of the voice VLAN.
<Quidway> display voice-vlan oui
OuiAddress Mask Description
0011-2200-0000 ffff-ff00-0000
Run the display voice-vlan 2 status command to check the voice VLAN mode, voice VLAN
security mode, and voice VLAN aging time.
<Quidway> display voice-vlan 2 status
Voice VLAN Configurations:
Voice VLAN ID : 2
Voice VLAN status : Enable
Voice VLAN aging time : 100 (minutes)
Voice VLAN 8021p remark : 6
Voice VLAN dscp remark : 46
Port Information:
Port Add-Mode Security-Mode Legacy

Ethernet0/0/1 Auto Security LS-S2318TP-EI-AC  Disable


Configure basic MSTP functions.

The S2326TP-PWR-EI  is mainly deployed on the IP MAN and intranets, meeting requirements of carrying various Ethernet services and accessing the Ethernet. Based on the new generation high-performance hardware and Huawei Versatile Routing Platform (VRP),

Two switching devices belong to the same MST region when they have the same:
l Name of the MST region
l Mapping between VLANs and MSTIs
l Revision level of the MST region
# Configure an MST region on SwitchA.
<Quidway> system-view
[Quidway] sysname SwitchA
[SwitchA] stp region-configuration
[SwitchA-mst-region] region-name RG1
[SwitchA-mst-region] instance 1 vlan 2 to 10
[SwitchA-mst-region] instance 2 vlan 11 to 20
[SwitchA-mst-region] active region-configuration
[SwitchA-mst-region] quit
# Configure an MST region on SwitchB.
<Quidway> system-view
[Quidway] sysname SwitchB
[SwitchB] stp region-configuration
[SwitchB-mst-region] region-name RG1
[SwitchB-mst-region] instance 1 vlan 2 to 10
[SwitchB-mst-region] instance 2 vlan 11 to 20
[SwitchB-mst-region] active region-configuration
[SwitchB-mst-region] quit
# Configure an MST region on SwitchC.
<Quidway> system-view
[Quidway] sysname SwitchC
[SwitchC] stp region-configuration
[SwitchC-mst-region] region-name RG1
[SwitchC-mst-region] instance 1 vlan 2 to 10
[SwitchC-mst-region] instance 2 vlan 11 to 20
[SwitchC-mst-region] active region-configuration
[SwitchC-mst-region] quit
# Configure an MST region on SwitchD.
<Quidway> system-view
[Quidway] sysname SwitchD
[SwitchD] stp region-configuration
[SwitchD-mst-region] region-name RG1
[SwitchD-mst-region] instance 1 vlan 2 to 10
[SwitchD-mst-region] instance 2 vlan 11 to 20
[SwitchD-mst-region] active region-configuration

[SwitchD LS-S2326TP-EI-AC -mst-region] quit


Upgrading the S5300 Software Using the USB Flash Drive

1.   Prepare the hardware.
  USB port: The S5328C-EI-24S-SI provide USB 1.1; the S3300-HI, S5300-HI and S6300 provide USB 2.0.
2.   Prepare system software, configuration file, web file, and patch file.
3.   Create the index file.
a.   Create the file usbload_config.txt.
b.   Fill in the file.

  The first line in the index file must be the SN to prevent repeated copy. The SN consists of creation date + time, for example, <sn=201105091219;/>. Before copying a file, the device compares the SNs. If the SN of a file to be copied already exists, the device does not copy the file. After the file is copied, the device stores the SN. The index files without SNs are considered invalid, and the device will stop copying the files.
  If an index file contains the following three formats, the device uses the information in format (2). If the required information is not obtained, the device uses the information in format (3) and then format (1). When only one USB flash drive is used in the upgrade, the values of mac=, esn=, and boardtype= are default. When the device obtains the value default, the device starts to copy the file without comparing it with other files.
  When editing an index file, press Enter when a line is finished. After editing the file, save it.
  Select the upgrade files, including system software, configuration file, Web file, and patch file as required.
  The upgrade procedures for S5300-SI, S3300-HI, S5300-HI and S6300 are the same.
(1) To upgrade the same system software, configuration file, Web file, and patch file on multiple devices, fill in the file in the format <boardtype=; vrpfile=; vrpver=; cfgfile=; webfile=; patchfile=;/>. 
−    To obtain the value of boardtype, view device labels or run the display version command. boardtype=default indicates that all devices will be upgraded.
−    Fill in the system software name behind vrpfile=.
−    Fill in the version number behind vrpfile=.
−    Fill in the configuration file name behind cfgfile=.
−    Fill in the web file name behind webfile=.
−    Fill in the patch file name behind patchfile=.
The following are the index files of different devices:
<boardtype=S5328C-SI; vrpfile=S5300SI-V200R001C00SPC300.CC; vrpver=V200R001C00SPC300; cfgfile=; webfile=; patchfile=;/>
<boardtype=S5300-HI; vrpfile=S5300HI-V200R001C00SPC300.CC; vrpver=V200R001C00SPC300; cfgfile=; webfile=; patchfile=;/>
The following two formats are used for upgrading a single device:
(2) <mac=; vrpfile=; vrpver=; cfgfile=; webfile=; patchfile=;/>
−    View the device's MAC address on the chassis and fill in the MAC address behind mac= in the format XXXX-XXXX-XXXX.
−    Fill in the system software name behind vrpfile=.
−    Fill in the version number behind vrpfile=.
−    Fill in the configuration file name behind cfgfile=.
−    Fill in the web file name behind webfile=.
−    Fill in the patch file name behind patchfile=.
The following is an example of configuration file:
<mac=0018-8200-0001; vrpfile=; vrpver=; cfgfile=vrpcfg.cfg; webfile=; patchfile=;/>
The following is an example of patch file:
<mac=0018-8200-0002; vrpfile=; vrpver=; cfgfile=; webfile=; patchfile=patch.pat;/>
(3) <esn=; vrpfile=; vrpver=; cfgfile=; webfile=; patchfile=;/>
−    View the device's ESN and fill in the ESN behind esn=.
−    Fill in the system software name behind vrpfile=.
−    Fill in the version number behind vrpfile=.
−    Fill in the configuration file name behind cfgfile=.
−    Fill in the web file name behind webfile=.
−    Fill in the patch file name behind patchfile=.
The following is an example of patch file:
<esn=210235182110AB000268; vrpfile=; vrpver=; cfgfile=; webfile=; patchfile=patch.pat;/>
The following is an example of system software:
<esn=210235182110AB000268; vrpfile=S5300SI-V200R001C00SPC300.CC; vrpver=V200R001C00SPC300; cfgfile=vrpcfg.cfg; webfile=; patchfile=;/>

If a keyword is not found or matched, the value of this item is considered to be empty.
If the version number behind vrpver= is the same as the current version, the device will not restart.
4.   Copy the index file, system S5352C-EI  software, configuration file, Web file, and patch file to the root directory of the USB flash drive.

The index files must be stored to the root directory on the USB flash drive; the other files are stored in the corresponding directories.


Installation S3300

For the S3352P or S5328C-EI, the methods of installing the SP in a stack and on a single device are the same. In a stack, install the SP on the master switch.
For the S2300, the methods of installing the SP in a stack and on a single device are the same. In a stack, install the SP on each switch.
In the patch delete all command, all is mandatory. On the S3300 or S5300, all indicates the local device. In a stack, all indicates all the devices in the stack. On the S2300, all indicates the single device regardless of whether it is in a stack.
Step 1  Download the patches to the flash memory of the device.
If the device can start, download the SP to the flash memory according to 2.5.1 "Downloading Patches to the Switch Using FTP in Command-Line Interface Mode (Switch Functioning as the FTP Server)."
If the device cannot start, upgrade the device according to the upgrade guide to enable the device to start. Then download the SP to the flash memory according to 2.5.1 "Downloading Patches to the Switch Using FTP in Command-Line Interface Mode (Switch Functioning as the FTP Server)." If the device still cannot start after upgrade, contact Huawei technical support personnel.
Step 2  Load the SP.
<S2326> patch load S23_33_53-V100R005SPH011.pat all
Info: The patch is being loaded. Please wait for a moment.
Info: Succeeded in loading the patch on the master board.............
Step 3  Activate the patches.
<S2326> patch active all
Info: Succeeded in activating the patch on the master board..............
Info: Finished activating the patch.
Step 4  Run the patches.
<S2326> patch run all
Info: Succeeded in running the patch on the master board..............
Info: Finished running the patch.



Upgrade the system software S5300

Select 2. Download file to Flash through serial interface in the serial interface submenu, and the following information is displayed:
Enter your choice(1-4): 2

Please Select File.
XMODEM downloading ...CC
Choose Transfer > Send File. The Send File dialog box is displayed.
Click Browse to select the upgrade file of the system software. Then select Xmodem from the Protocol drop-down list box. Click Send to start sending the file.
After transferring the upgrade file, the system prompts you whether to change the file name. If no, save it with the default file name. The default file name is not the uploaded file name. The system software name in the flash memory or the default file name hw-switch.cc is used. Generally, it is recommended that the file name be changed.

Only the files with the file name extension .cc can be used as the upgrade files of the system software on the LS-S5328C-PWR-SI
If you need to name the upgrade file S5300EI-V200R003C00SPC300.cc, the following information is displayed:
XMODEM downloading ...CC   download succeeded!
Do you like to save it named "S5300EI-V200R003C00SPC300.cc"?
If you like then press return key, otherwise give a new name for saving it:
If the file S5300EI-V200R003C00SPC300.cc has already been saved in the flash memory, the system prompts you whether to overwrite the existing file with the new one. The following information is displayed:
flash:/S5300EI-V200R003C00SPC300.cc already exist,
delete it?(Y/N):y
Deleting file.......................................done
took time : 251s
Writing Flash.............................................................................................................................................................................done

file length: 14,066,348 bytes, took time : 244s


    1. Update BOOTROM system
    2. Download file to Flash through serial interface
    3. Modify serial interface parameter
    4. Return to main menu

Enter your choice(1-4):

After the S5348TP-SI upgrade file is transferred, select 4. Return to main menu to return to the BootROM menu.


S3328TP-PWR-EI VS LS-S3352P-PWR-EI, The Difference

 What are the difference of S3328TP-PWR-EI and LS-S3352P-PWR-EI?

Huawei Quidway Switch S3300, S3328TP-PWR Mainframe(24 10/100 BASE-T ports and 2 Combo GE(10/100/1000 BASE-T+100/1000 Base-X) ports and 2 SFP GE(1000 BASE-X) ports,PoE,Chassis,Double Slots of power,Without Power)

Huawei Quidway Switch S3300, S3352P-PWR Mainframe(48 10/100 BASE-T ports and 2 100/1000 BASE-X ports and 2 SFP GE(1000 BASE-X) ports,PoE,Chassis,Double Slots of power,Without Power)

 The S3300 provides the enhanced selective QinQ function and capability to replicate multicast packets between VLANs at the line speed, and supports carrier-class reliability technologies such as Smart Link (applicable to tree networks) and RRPP (applicable to ring networks), as well as the Ethernet OAM function.

The difference on the price:
According to our research, www.huanetwork.com is a great wholesell supplier for huawei switch, and the best price form.
S3328TP-PWR-EI price : $891.00
LS-S3352P-PWR-EI price : $1,485.00

Request a quote for them by emailing us at sales@huanetwork.com or pick up the phone and speak to one of our friendly and helpful sales reps at +852-30501940 (Hong Kong).


Checking the Current System Software Version

Run the display version command to view the version of the system software.
<Quidway> display version
Huawei Versatile Routing Platform Software                                     
VRP (R) software, Version 5.120 (S5300 V200R002C00SPC100)                            
Copyright (C) 2000-2012 HUAWEI TECH CO., LTD                                   
Quidway S5328C-PWR-EI Routing Switch uptime is 0 week, 0 day, 0 hour, 16 minutes
CX22EFGEE 0(Master) : uptime is 0 week, 0 day, 0 hour, 15 minutes              
256M bytes DDR Memory                                                          
32M bytes FLASH                                                                
Pcb      Version :  VER A                                                       
Basic  BOOTROM  Version :  160 Compiled at Dec 18 2012, 16:07:05               
CPLD   Version : 79                                                            
Software Version : VRP (R) Software, Version 5.120 (V200R002C00SPC100)                
FORECARD information                                                           
Pcb      Version : CX22E2XX VER B                                              
HINDCARD information                                                            
Pcb      Version : CX22ETPC VER B                                              
FANCARD I information                                                          
Pcb      Version : FAN VER B                                                   
PWRCARD I information                                                          
Pcb      Version : PWR VER A     

In the preceding output, S5300 V200R002C00SPC100 indicates the version of system software currently running on the S5352C-EI


Huawei S3300 switch Upgrade Process

On the master switch S3352P-EI-48S :
In Stack, device 0 load to new device 1 .......... start

In Stack, device 0 load to new device 1 .......... success
On the new member switch:
The Software Version is Low.Version is V100R006C00SPC800!
100% completed
In Stack, device 0 load flash:/S5300EI-V200R001C00SPC300.CC to new device 1(self) ... Success
Starting upgrade BOOTROM .............. Pass

Device starting reset.

If the flash memory of the new member switch does not have sufficient space for the upgrade software, the following information is displayed:
On the master switch:
In Stack, device 0 load to new device 1 .......... start

In Stack, device 0 load to new device 1 .......... fail
On the new member switch:
In Stack, upgrading from slot 4 to slot 0(self) .......... start               
Info: Free space is not enough. Auto deleting <flash:/S5300EI-V100R006C00SPC800.cc> file ....
........................... success                                            
 100% completed                                               

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